BBC shortlists four ad agencies including Fallon for fresh assignments

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


The BBC in its run to select its new ad men has shortlisted four advertising agencies for final selection and one of the shortlisted ad agencies is the current incumbent. The shortlisted agencies are ECRS, Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Young & Rubicam, DDB London and Fallon. Fallon is currently working for BBC and Abbott Mead Vickers.BDDO and dfgw are now clearly thrown out of the list, as their names did not appear in the list.

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The new ad agency to promote BBC will assume charge on first of January next year and the name of the agency will be announced at the end of next month. The final selection process is likely to run through pitch workshops to come to the end of process.

On the other side of the story, it simply needless mentioning that it was Fallon who developed the famous branding campaign for BBC, earlier this year bearing a strap line ‘This is what we do’. Ricky Gervais and John Simpson had featured in the ad campaign.


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