Dr Prem Jagyasi and Team (C)

Dr Prem is an award winning strategic leader, renowned author, publisher and highly acclaimed global speaker. Aside from publishing a bevy of life improvement guides, Dr Prem runs a network of 50 niche websites that attracts millions of readers across the globe. Thus far, Dr Prem has traveled to more than 40 countries, addressed numerous international conferences and offered his expert training and consultancy services to more than 150 international organizations. He also owns and leads a web services and technology business, supervised and managed by his eminent team. Dr Prem further takes great delight in travel photography.

With purchase of Happy Meal and Mighty Kids, every McDonald guest will receive characters from the film ‘Chicken Little.’ In a true creative promotional and advertising campaign Walt Disney it seems want to cash on the primary hype and hopefully move…

My crooked mind asks me is it possible Martin Sorrel and Neil French are dear professional friends and Neil French-Nacy Vonk issue is just a calculative move by the teosome creative directors to redirect attention from Samsung, Coca Cola account lost and.

Well, well, what could be the possible reason behind Wellington Airport’s buy out of iSite, a billboard and outdoor advertising firm in an undisclosed amount could be anybody’s guess. Is it because the recurring and irrelevant expenditure was rising…

Ad Age, the advertising mag has launched its blog and has named it small agency diary. The posts are written by Bart Cleveland, the Creative Dir McKee Wallwork Cleveland.
The latest post is ‘Communication Nervous Break Down,’ other posts are…

It’s no wonder that more and more marketers are embracing behavioral marketing including digitalization (don’t term it as a meek internet marketing) in a big big way. Well, don’t know whether the CRM wave is in or out in the fashionable five star…

What would be the social fabric of Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) amidst streaming on demand video, options based Internet, an effortlessly understood and practiced treatise interactive TV that will change the way we live. There are sometimes we.

Viacom Inc reported $708 million operating profit thanks to its better performance of MTV Cable network and mostly for ‘War of World’
Viacom also splitting its cable network and films set up. It is believed that split up is on the view to attract…

MSN AdCenter (Advertising Center) will support Office Live. And it intends to strike down any software threat (??) from Google and Sun Microsystems. Office Live 2005 is expected to be delivered in local flavors and will support more than half a dozen…

He’s not in the best of fun mood. Post Howard Stern Infinity’s desperate search for new face lands in. But all is not kind with the new face David Lee Roth and their remarks also not very kind in this respect.

What’s astonishing here are David Lee…

Well, to me NASCAR’s strongest proposition is its local and regional flavor. Though it may believed that Formula One brings, believe it or not, 150 million viewers per race worldwide. Advertiser’s favorite playground.

DJ Slogger has observed some…

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