adLab Microsoft to revolutionize online advertising and video hyper link ads

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

adLab or adCenter Incubation Lab involves 22 scientists from Beijing, China and 20 from Redmond, USA to deliver advertisers rich targeting potential. The scientists working on the projects are trying to connect marketers with consumers in a never before way claims the press release. We believe that. After lot of speculation we have this ‘official’ information from the software major MS on its plan on future online advertising which is believed to be bigger and better than Google.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Today at the adcenter demo fest in Redmond researchers from Microsoft presented more than 15 prototypes of total 40 which are set to rock paid search, behavioral targeting and contextual advertising. The biggest trembling would be experienced in:

1. Online advertising solution
2. Vide Opportunities (Video Hyper Link ads)
3. Television and mobile based advertising products

via [Press Release]

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