Wellness tourism: A great boost to your tourism company

side profile of a young woman getting a back massage

Indulging in good, healthy habits right at early age can not only make your life stress free but also can lead to an extended lifetime. People live longer but many fight illnesses throughout their life. If not taken care at the right age, you may have to spend your retirement from one hospital to other, having one or the other medicine.


Wellness does not always mean a luxury for the rich and popular. Wellness is for all. The population above 60 years is expected double in the next few decades. Wellness tourism is considered as a good business idea nowadays. Many consumers like to mix health habits with their fast pace lifestyle. Moreover, these habits do not go on a break even if they are on a leisure trip.

The wellness tourism has reached a profitable worth of $439 billion across the globe. It is expected to grow by 9.1 % annually in the next three years. It marks a more than 50% growth as compared to any other sector in the travel industry. The spending in the wellness sector has gone up by 130% that is remarkable as compared to the other sector.

UK however is far behind in exploring this rapidly growing industry. The countries like USA, Canada, Middle East and other parts of Europe are considering its worth and hence are taking steps to garner this opportunity.


The World Travel Market is all set for its first program in support to the wellness tourism. It is expected to look into the growing demand for this sector in the UK tourism industry. This industry has audiences from all age group. Clearly, age barrier is not a constraint.

For a good and healthy lifestyle, one needs to incorporate healthy habits in their lifestyle. These tourism spots can also be considered as an awareness den where in details of how to lead a healthy and disease free life can be understood.

Hence, traders and holiday destination facilitators should consider wellness industry in the UK tourism. This is not only a new initiative in the market, but also a healthier option for the people. It surely can promoted keeping in mind the people’s concern about health. It can be an attraction for tourists across the globe to consider wellness tourism.


Trying the wellness tourism business is not a bad idea. You can not only increase your business but also create awareness about hygiene and health amongst the customers.

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