
Generally we only see our doctor when we are troubled by a certain ailment or health related problem. The doctors at the clinics and hospitals prescribe their patient medicines or treatments to cure a particular […]

woman tai chi chuan tadjiquan posture pose

Before discussing the benefits of yoga that help better your memory, let’s first understand the concept of memory. Memory is a very important factor that allows an individual to retain and recall information from the

Yoga improves Memory

You might have seen yogis on posters, magazines or book covers sitting in Lotus Pose. Also known as Padmasana, the exemplary yoga posture symbolizes purity of consciousness and transformation from ignorance to awakening. Those suffering


Given the strains of our modern day ‘rat race’ lifestyles, it is highly important to keep ourselves in shape. It is not only about the show of improved physicality, but the fitness scope also has


Living in these fast-paced times has come to mean instant material gains and pleasure, which rule our day to day practices. Life has become hectic with much of your time devoted mostly to sedentary and stressful works. You may find it extremely difficul

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