Sand Tray therapy

Bed and breakfast

Sand tray therapy is the use of sand play and miniatures to move in the sand in a way directed by the player to create a world of their own. This is believed to help in bringing out the real emotions and helps the play to work out their feelings and disturbances and may also bring about solutions to their problems.


Various emotions like despair, confusion, feeling of worthlessness, inability to take decisions, etc are commonly faced by people in real life situations. The sand tray therapy can help the person in realizing the deeper thoughts and communicate with the self within to reach practical solutions. Another major advantage is the relief that this therapy provides due to tactile sensory stimulation.


Sand play was used by Dr. Margaret Lowenfield who was a child psychiatrist working mainly with children having developmental problems.

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During her work, she realized that children use sand play in various ways to work out their feelings like fears, anger, grief and other emotional disturbances. Playing in the sand and allowing drawing about their emotional experiences. The creation of sand world gives an opportunity for expression of feelings that would not have otherwise found out an outlet. This way it gives way to verbal as well as non-verbal expressions and provides relief to the person.



Sand tray therapy is a lively form of play therapy and can be used by participants from all ages. A sand tray is used, where participants can form structures from their own ideas, use miniatures to create their own world. Once they get into their world, participants often talk out their emotions and this verbalization of feelings is important. They can make patterns and use imagination of their own to draw objects, figures and create a dramatic play, which talks about their real emotions.



This is particularly useful in providing relief to children with emotional disturbances, development problems and adults with psychological disturbances, stress or other stress induced illnesses. In addition to this, moving hands in sand, provides sensory stimulation that helps to arouse the sensory pathways connecting to the brain. Emotional conditions like grief, anger, fears, suppressed emotions, mental trauma, unknown negative feelings, etc can be relieved with this therapy.

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