Once you prepare your budget and get ready to travel overseas, decide as to how you will make the payments. You can make your payment through various means. You can use your personal savings to pay the bills or get assistance from your insurance providers. In Arabian countries, citizens can ask their governments to pay the bills for their wellness therapies. Know if such an option is available in your country. Assistance from your government can help you save considerable money. There are many wellness centers that will allow you to make the entire payment in easy installments. Know whether the country you choose for your wellness tourism has centers that provide flexible payment options.
You are free to choose your mode of payment depending on your financial condition. Since a wellness tourism trip is not a sudden decision, it is better to start saving from the day when you decide on this trip. Yet, if you want to save your money, you can take help from outside resources to pay for your therapies. In this section, you will know about various options that you can use to pay for your therapeutic treatment.
- Assistance from employer
If you are a working person, your employer will definitely want you to be fit and healthy. In case of local wellness therapies, your employer can cover the expenses. However, when you are opting for wellness tourism, you need to tell your employer about the same and ask for assistance. When you travel abroad for a therapy, it is generally more cost effective. Therefore, your employer may readily agree to help. However, you might have to pay for some related costs out of your own pocket. You can discuss about the advantages of wellness tourism with your employer and chances are big that you will get your required monetary assistance quickly. If you get assistance from your employer, you can concentrate on other expenses and plan your budget accordingly.
- Paying from your savings
You can always pay for your wellness treatment from your own pocket. Liquidating your savings for the betterment of your health can act as your own health insurance. Once you have scheduled your trip, start saving more so that you do not face any shortage of money throughout your wellness tourism journey. You need to evaluate your monetary condition and make proper arrangements so that you do not need to face any problem in covering all the costs of your journey. Once the whole process is successfully over, you can come back to your own country and start saving for your future again.
- Financial assistance from friends and family
Other than paying from your own savings, you can also ask for some monetary help from your friends and family. You can ask for financial help from a friend or relative residing in the country where you are going for your wellness therapy. You can ask your relatives or friends to make the payment in local currency. Remember that if you are paying for your wellness therapies in a foreign currency, you have to pay slightly more due to the high exchange rates. Delaying these decisions up to the last minute will cause you unnecessary tension. If you arrange things with your friends or relatives prior to your trip, you can make the process a smoother one.
There will be little or no chance of pending dues that you may have to ask them to clear, thereby causing your embarrassment. You can repay them once you get back to your own country.
- Applying loan from banks
If your personal savings are not enough to cover the cost of your wellness treatment, you always have the option to apply for a loan from a bank or financial institution. Many financial institutions provide loan for wellness therapeutic treatment to wellness tourists who are in need of fiscal assistance. However, you have to keep in mind that there will be interest rates on the loan amount.
Make sure you have the capability to pay the interest rate and repay the loan as well. Another important factor that you need to consider is that the rate will vary from one financing institute to another when you travel out of your own country to a different place for wellness therapy. Banks generally charge a lower rate as compared to other private institutes, and researching should help you find the best deal.
Fiscal associations, which are allied with certain organizations, are a better choice for a loan application as these organizations can help you in case of any disputes at later stages. Apart from loan for wellness treatments, you can also apply for personal loans from banks. You can use the money received in this way for your wellness therapy. Wellness tourism is growing rapidly and as a result, many banks and financial organizations have made loan application for wellness therapy abroad a legitimate cause. However, you need to have a good record of previous loan repayment and a good credit score if you want quick approval.
- Using credit cards for the payment
The use of credit cards nowadays has become popular and one can use them for different purposes. You can use them when you are in dire need of cash during your wellness therapy trip. If you fall short of cash during your stay abroad while receiving therapy, you can swipe your credit card and make your payment. If you do not have any emergency fund with you and have not included any extra costs while planning your budget, you may run out of cash and it may stop your therapy midway.
A credit card can be very helpful in such situations. Once you are back at home, you can clear the credit card bill gradually. Nonetheless, you will have to pay a certain amount of fees for international transaction. Do not use your card above its limit. In other words, paying the entire cost for your therapy by using your credit card might not be possible, or even advisable.
- Taking help from special wellness financing organizations
Many financing organizations in different parts of the world assist people with funds for their wellness treatment. People without any health insurance can take financial help from these companies and get their therapy done overseas. Those who are unable to arrange money from any possible source, be it own savings, health insurance coverage, government aid, help from friends and family, can take help of these fiscal companies.
At first, these companies will urge you to find out any possible source of funding but if you are unable to do that, you can take their assistance. Several of these companies allow the user to submit an online application. The online application process is really easy and flexible. After the approval of your application, you will get your required monetary assistance.
You will also have an executive assigned to you by the corresponding company who will help you get the necessary information regarding your trip. The interest rates on the funds provided by such companies are quite affordable and you can easily understand the terms and conditions Therefore, if you are short of savings, or do not have any employer wellness coverage or any health insurance for covering your expenditure, consider such financing companies to finance your wellness tour.
Apart from these funding sources, numerous charitable organizations provide monetary assistance to people who cannot afford high quality wellness therapy in a foreign country. Many developing countries across the world have such organizations and religious groups. However, all of them have certain regulations or criteria that wellness tourists need to follow in order to avail their assistance.