Best naturopathic medicines to treat blackheads on skin

Best naturopathic medicines to treat blackheads on skin

Acne is one of the most discomforting and demoralizing condition that is usually present in young adults and teenagers. While hormones are considered to be the greatest culprits in causing acne, a combination of healthy diet and cleansing habits can help you reduce the blackheads that have made their colonies all over your face and back region.

One of the main causes of acne is the increased oil content in your skin. This oil or sebum is present in the sebaceous glands of the skin. If there is an excess amount of oil present, it tends to mix with the dust present and blocks the skin pores. This builds up pressure inside the sebaceous glands and gives rise to small vesicles called blackheads and acne.

There are a number of treatments available for acne of which naturopathic treatments are the most preferred due to their ability to combat acne effectively and with least side effects.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a natural cleanser that helps your skin to maintain its smooth and flawless texture. It is used in the treatment of blackheads as it contains anti clogging properties that open up the skin pores and allows free airway circulation in the affected area. Aloe vera is available as a gel, lotion and soap in the market. However, you can grow aloe vera at home and use its extract straight from the plant. Using the juice of aloe vera leaves directly on the blackheads is equally effective in giving you a clear skin, free of acne. You can use it every day as a preventive remedy for acne.

Aloe vera also possesses anti inflammatory properties, thereby reducing the severity of the blackheads. You need to leave it on the blackheads for a few minutes and then gently wash the area with clear water. Applying it overnight and then washing it in the morning can also help reduce the pimples and blackheads considerably. Aloe vera also helps in regeneration of old skin, replacing it with a healthier and smoother skin.


Sometimes, acne and blackheads are caused due to some underlying disturbances that are present in the body. These are reflected in the form of blackheads and acne all over the face and back region. This type of acne requires detoxification as an effective remedy. Dandelion is a very good detoxifier that naturally stimulates healthy functions and helps prevent cane and blackheads. Dandelion comes as a herbal tea preparation that can be consumed regularly for 4-6 weeks to get good results. Dandelion improves the liver function and thus detoxifies the toxins present in the body, indirectly helping in the treatment of acne and blackheads. Dandelion is also available as a capsule. It is known to stimulate bile juice secretion, thus improving liver functioning.


Probiotics are live and helpful bacteria that provide great health benefits to the host. The most common probiotics are lactobacilli and bifido bacteria which also occur naturally in fermented foods such as yoghurt and whey water. Probiotics are known to detoxify the stomach and the digestive system thereby helping in proper balance of nutrition in the body. This indirectly helps in reducing blackheads and acne that are caused due to an abnormality in the systemic functioning of the body. They also possess anti inflammatory properties that help in inflammation of the existing acne and pimples. They also help in improving the genitor urinary functioning that helps in maintain a hormonal balance in the body. It has been observed that hormonal imbalance is a major causative factor for blackheads and acne.

Bentonite clay masks (Fuller’s earth)

Bentonite clay masks are an effective remedy for the treatment of blackheads. You can apply it for an hour or so every day for a week to see lasting results in the disappearance of blackheads. Bentonite clay should be mixed with clear water or rose water to make a thick paste. Then, apply it as a face pack on the affected areas and leave it for a minimum of an hour or two. Bentonite clay, also popularly known as Fuller’s earth, is found to be soothing to the skin and has cooling effect on the skin. It promotes healthy functioning of the sebaceous glands by reducing the secretion of sebum that causes dirt to settle in the skin pores.

Bentonite clay has been used for centuries and is an age old natural remedy for blackheads and acne. It has an ability to remove the oily content from the skin thus preventing them from mixing with dust and creating acne. It also relieves the inflammation of the already existing blackheads, thereby reducing your discomfort. This mask is especially useful for people with oily skin.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an essential oil extract from the leaves of a plant known as metaleuca alternifolia. It has been found that tea tree oil is the time tested and ultimate a natural remedy for the treatment of blackheads and acne in youngsters. Tea tree oil is effective for blackheads due to the presence of an ingredient known as terpinen-4-ol that possesses antimicrobial properties. Application of tea tree oil to blackheads and acne affected areas can destroy the bacteria that are responsible for the inflammation and break out of acne. Tea tree oil is available in the form of gel, shampoo, lotions and pure oil. To get maximum benefit, you can use it once a day for several weeks to completely get rid of acne and blackheads. Tea tree oil should be diluted with water in a proportion of 1:95 to avoid irritation and blistering of the skin. It should never be applied in the undiluted form.

Calendula soap

Calendula is a smaller variety of pot marigold and is known to be one of the most beneficial and natural remedies for blackheads and acne. It has anti bacterial and anti microbial properties and is helpful in giving you a clear skin with smooth complexion. Regular use of calendula soap has been found to give you unblemished skin and is a successful way to ward off blackheads and acne for good. Calendula soap is a good moisturizer and is helpful in reducing the discomfort of blackheads by reducing the inflammation and severity of acne. Calendula soap is available freely as an OTC remedy.

Fish oil

Fish oil contains omega 3 fatty acids in abundance making it a great choice for the effective clearance of blackheads. It is rich in eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, both of which are known to be extremely beneficial for the skin. These acids help in reducing the inflammation caused by blackheads due to blocked pores and infected sebum. These acids help in curbing the release of Leukotreine B-4 that is responsible for causing inflammation of the skin in the affected regions. Fish oil helps in curbing the secretion of sebum from overactive sebaceous glands. Thus, fish oil is recommended for the treatment and prevention of acne and blackheads. Fish oil is available in the form of supplements and can be taken once or twi
ce a day according to the severity of the acne.

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is a wonderful supplement that provides omega 3 fatty acids to your body that are great promoters of clear skin. Long term use of flaxseed oil instead of vegetable oil in the diet greatly reduces chronic acne and blackheads in a remarkable way. However, flaxseed oil does not suit some individuals and should not be used by such.

The omega 3 fatty acids present in the flaxseed oil improve your immune system and give you the power to resist the bacteria responsible for the blackheads. They also contribute to the thinning of the oily secretion that clogs skin pores. Flaxseed also contains lignans that have a positive effect on the hormonal imbalance. Flaxseed oil is available in the form of capsules that can be taken in a dose of one or two per day for lasting effects. Better skin tone, fewer outbreaks, reduced puffiness of skin and a smoother complexion are the advantages of taking flaxseed oil for blackheads.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is the most cost effective natural remedy for the treatment of blackheads. Not only does it prevent blackheads from multiplying, it also lightens the scar from the earlier dried blackheads. You will see the amazing clearing of the blackheads within a fortnight. Rinse off the lemon juice with clear lukewarm water after applying it on the blackheads for two or tree hours. Lemon juice contains natural citric acid that has anti bacterial properties.

This natural acid helps in warding off the micro organisms responsible for causing acne and blackheads. Initially you may experience a light burning sensation in the applied area. It acts as an astringent and clears the skin pores with its natural cleansing actions..Lemon juice should be applied regularly for several weeks to get long lasting effects. Moreover, the vitamin C and potassium content present in lemon helps in boosting your immune system, promoting internal cleansing of the body. You can drink diluted lemon juice everyday and also use it as a bath application for clear skin in the entire body.

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