Surya Namaskara – All you need to know about Surya Namaskara yoga pose

Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara, also known as the Sun Salutation pose has its origin in Hatha Yoga – rather it includes several Hatha Yoga asanas combined into one comprehensive yoga pose. Aside from increasing your flexibility, this yoga exercise also helps you boost your metabolism, stretch your muscles and encourage weight loss. While it’s recommended to start with five Surya Namaskaras, you may increase the number sooner or later. Moreover, you should perform this asana on an empty stomach.

Here are the 12 steps of Surya Namaskara:

1. As in Pranamasana, stand straight on the Yoga Mat with your hands folded in front of your chest.
2. Now, as in Hasta Uttanasana, raise your arms above your head while inhaling. Make sure that your palms are joined; however, your arms should have ample space between them.
3. Next, touch the floor with your fingers while exhaling and bending forward as in Hastapaadasana. If you are flexible enough to do so, touch your forehead to your knees.
4. As in Aekpaadprasarnaasana, adopt a sitting position while stretching your right leg back. Now bend your left leg, keep your arms straight and lift your head backwards.
5. Exhale and align both your legs while bringing your left leg behind as in Adho Mukha Svanasana. Lift up your body from hips and keep your head in between your hands.
6. In this position, you need to lower your body while bringing your toes, knees, chest, hands and forehead to the floor. Ensure that your abdomen should touch the floor, still it should not be in a resting position.
7. Now raise your upper body so that it curves up slightly. Keep inhaling. Your legs should be as straight as is possible. Your palms should be under your shoulders and your back should be in line with your shoulder.
8. Now exhale while lifting your hips and performing pushups.
9. Inhale and bring your right foot forward.
10. Now bring your left foot forward while inhaling.
11. Now step into the head-too-knee position, as in Step 3.
12. Finally, exhale, lower your arms to your sides and bring your hands in Pranamasana.

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