Adho Mukha Svanasana – All you need to know about Downward Dog Yoga Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana

If you know the exact way of doing them, Yoga poses can relieve you off your pains, physical strains and mental worries. Moreover, these poses add a distinct appeal to your overall looks and personality. The Downward Dog Yoga Pose is one such asana that helps you stretch your shoulders, legs, spine and whole body while strengthening them. Further, it helps your body develop better immune system, maintain digestion and blood flow, and ensure a tranquil mind as well.

Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward Dog or Down Dog, this pose involves certain peculiar moves that need to be done with precision.

Steps Involved

1. Place your hands and knees on the floor. Make sure that your hands are under your shoulders, your fingers have ample space between them, your knees (seven inches apart) are under your hips, and your spine is in a relaxed, straight position.

2. Take a deep breath and try pushing your hips upward so that your body forms an inverted V-shape. While you tuck in your front ribs, your back should be in a straightened position. Now exert pressure on your legs and straighten them. Make sure that your heels are in perfect contact with the floor or the Yoga mat.

3. In this position, it’s so very important that your arms are straight and your inner elbows are turned towards the ceiling. It helps you engage your triceps and strengthen them.

4. Now line up your inner arms with your ears and stretch your neck forward. While your hands are shoulder width apart, you have to keep your feet hip-width apart. Moreover, draw in your navel towards the spice for keeping your abdominal muscles engaged.

5. Keep moving your hips up and back as you concentrate on breathing pattern. Inhale and exhale steadily to create a flow of energy through your body.


1. This asana helps you strengthen your arms, legs, hamstrings, calves, back, hips and shoulders.

2. Second benefit includes improved blood circulation to your brain.

3. Next, it helps you improve your digestion system.

4. It’s highly beneficial for women having irregular, painful menstruation,

4. Finally, after regular practice, you’ll feel less stress and fatigue. This asana also cures back tension, insomnia and chronic headache.

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