WWF: Act now, conserve energy and treat the planet with respect

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

wwf world at sea 25

World Wildlife Fund has launched this print advertisement to draw public attention towards environmental conservation and less use of energy resources. The advertisement virtually incorporates entire aspect of the environmental degradation ranging from fuel use and global warming to increasing sea level. The advertisement further exaggerates that this could be a possible situation in the time to come when cities will be submerged and sharks would roam around the submerged city.

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The concept of the advertisement is undeniably remarkable, but the only thing that should not be there is too many aspects in a single advertisement. Apart from that, the presentation of the advertisement is considerably good; however, eyebrows were raised over depiction of clouds in a submerged city.

The text of the advertisement reads, ‘Global warming is changing the world’s climate rapidly. Icebergs are melting, oceans are rising, nature is revolting. Act now, conserve energy and treat the planet with respect, or we’ll have a world at sea.’ The advertisement is credited to David, India.


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