Wrigley’s: Juicy Fruit Compressed Fun

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Wrigley’s has recently launched this print advertisement campaign in Australia to promote Juicy Fruit gum as ‘compressed fun’. The campaign is apparently aims to promote its gum of different flavors while linking it, in some ways, lives to the general people. The campaign has adopted three basic themes to describe its new product or flavor of it, water, toys and sex. However, to some extent relating these themes to the product is slightly puzzling and consequently for some it is difficult to reach to the core idea of the campaign.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

However, one interpretation could be that the product has incorporated the all the pleasure of different things of our daily life. And since the product is actually small in size this has been suggested that all the pleasures have been compressed in it. However, the product benefit is still not clear at this juncture. The Compressed Fun series has been developed by DDB, Sydney.

Via Duncan’s Print

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