What prompts a person to ‘click’?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


What makes a person to click a particular ad in the web? What are the tempting factors that makes him/her to do so? Has it any psychological aspect?

Well, Susan Weinschenk, researcher and author of the book Neuro Web Design, What Makes Them Click?, presents some answers. She presented some of her findings at the Internet User Experience 2009 conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Weinschenk, points out that the decision for clicking an ad or purchasing them are motivated not only by the conscience but also by the unconscious mind.

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She presents three interesting theories. First is the principle of social validation. If a consumer is uncertain, he/she will look in to the reviews done by peers. This principle reveals the relevance of social media. Second principle is related to decision making. The research presented proves that the fewer the choices, the more likely a person will click. The third one is the fear of loss principle which means users are reluctant to remove options and more likely to purchase a product with premium options if that is what is first presented.

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Via: three minds

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