Want to know what they talk?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Shhh.. Condoleezza is saying something to Mr. George W. bush. Guess what.

We are not sure whether Mrs. Bush knows this. But ‘terra news’ is so sure. In this campaign, they urge us to be ‘the second one to know’

The second one? Is it the third one? Condoleezza knows it first. She tells Bush. Then we will know it. Or, is it wrong. May be they are the ‘first ones’. Confusing. Oh, leave it. I am not comfortable with numbers. Who cares about numbers. Leave it to the Chartered accountants or the mathematical wizards.

This campaign for terra news, created by DDB Brazil, romances with political situations. The campaign also banks on Dalai lama and Barack Obama.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development


Advertising Agency: DDB Brazil

Art Director: Rodrigo Tortima

Copywriters: Adriano Matos, Marcelo Reis

Creative Directors: Marcelo Reis, Guilherme Jahara, Rodolfo
Sampaio, Julio Andery, Sergio Valente

Photographer: Image Banks

Account Managers: Eduardo Megale, Suzana Poli, Camila Gertner

Via: Ads of the world

Client Services: Rodrigo Terra, Alexandre Cardoso


Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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