…want more emotions from Google baby

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

Google baby blog turns one. So so sweet. Lots of wishes from Adpunch team. We are avid readers like those of 4.3 million visitors and would like to see more posts, more bloggers and definitely more topics.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Is it possible Mr. Karen Wickre, that you kindly carry more advertising news and analysis here. Of late, there are discussions all over on why advertising agencies should fear Google? The pay per click campaign is proving to be the longest nightmare not only for all the publishers (all media that is) but also for as alien as segment like phone companies. Is Google really encroaching on other’s turf by foul means? I am sure Google has answers for that and we wish to get it from its official blog.

Sometimes silence is not golden and can cause some bad rumor and I am sure Google Blog will act as an information tool which will demystify all the fast spreading misinformation, if there is any…

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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