Toyota hybrid Camry bilingual commercial eyes super bowl 2006 XL balls

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

toyota camry hybrid 2007

2007 Toyota Camry hybrid commercial unveils in Super bowl 2006 with a hybrid bang bang. The latest car on the block, America’s most popular car Toyota Camry 2007 begins its super bowl journey with a bilingual 30 second ad spot.

A thriving Hispanic market that may cause the launch of Hybrid Camry characters a Latino father who is driving along his younger (isn’t he so sweet) son in the new Toyota Camry. And the spot moves as the duo relates switching of gas and electricity power to English and Spanish. The Hispanic father thinks of the boy’s future and thus this hybrid…he bought, what else…

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What Toyota is spending on the campaign is anybody’s guess. Last year it spent around $2.4 million for its TV commercial campaigns.

What’s this Toyota hybrid Camry bilingual commercial trying to attain, you may wonder. We have Jim Farley for you, Toyota Motor Sales vp for you…

‘The Camry Hybrid ad represents people moving forward in their lives and creating a positive future for themselves and their families… We’re using a unique fusion of language and culture to introduce our new Camry Hybrid.’


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