The hot lady doctors for ailing magazines?

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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When a magazine is in its death bed, does the presence of some naked babes who exhibits their T’s and A’s help it to revive its health and come back to life, in a refreshing way? This article points out to some newly developed trends in which even ‘reputed’ magazines, which do not have to exhibit babe nakedness, too adopts this line.

The report presents the examples Rolling Stone, the high-end, fashion/politics publication. Though it is expected from magazines like Play Boy to show nude images, when magazines which have no prolonged history of adopting such tactics suddenly shifts their approach, it is something worth a curious look.

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The figures might have answer for this emerging trend- Total combined subscription and single copy U.S. magazine sales in 2009 were down 6 percent from 2008, and at their lowest level since 1985, according to Magazine Publishers Association figures.

So, sex sells. But, should magazines strip their dignity off in the streets, instead of adopting innovative content strategy to sustain and grow?

Via: Fox News

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