The Gillette Fusion ad – Assert yourself with authority!

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

no fusion no kiss w63GR 2263
Ad world is a mad world. But, as they say, even insanity has its own way to assert itself. Basically, if we sum up the whole chapter, its all about asserting your point with authority, albeit with a clever tinge of submission. In this Gillette Fusion ad by BBDO dusseldorf, you will get to notice these two ingredients, viz. assertion and submission, in perfect balance. The caption command goes ‘No Fusion, No Kiss’ and the rest is left on the onlooker to decide. I don’t know why but this ad brings back the old memories of my school days where my beloved class teacher would announce in her sweet but haunting voice – ‘no homework, no attendance‘. Aah! Those golden words were always on target. And the same goes for this ad.

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Via: pixelpasta

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