Sony Vaio: feel something

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

The most noticeable feature of this commercial for Sony Vaio is its scintillating shots. We are bound to appreciate the creative way of expressing a simple idea through elegant shots.

Feel something– that is the simple message the commercial aims to convey. This simple message is conveyed through different situations. Though there are different situations, the viewer can feel that there is an inherent unity among these shots that point to the ultimate message- feel something

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Agency: Ignited

ECD: Mike Wolfsohn

Group CD: Tom Gilmartin

AD: Vince Soliven

CW: Lori Ellison

Design Director: Oogie Lee

Director: Bia Flecha

Producer: Diego Espana

Via: Coloribus

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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