Sexual passion, ok, sexual explicit no, new beer ad guidelines

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

So Beer Institute is changing some accepted and traditional rules it has made by itself for better regulation.

Here goes the old rules

The Beer Institute’s voluntary advertising guidelines previously advised members against portraying “sexual passion, promiscuity or any other amorous activity as a result of consuming beer.”

The new probabilities are amendments are

The group also added a caveat to its previous ban on lewd and indecent language and images, now allowing advertisers some wiggle room based on “the context presented and the medium in which the material appears.”

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Any answer to questions like these

A beer advertisement championing females with large breasts and a small behind has been slammed as portraying Australians as “a bunch of crude, sexist yobbos”. The Foster’s beer ad has been seen extensively throughout the Russian Federation. It depicts a bikini with a small top and a large bottom above the caption “the law of life”. Below that is a bikini with a large top and a small bottom captioned “the law of Foster’s”.

Via [Jointogether]
and [Pcwatch]

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