Sarcasm from Amnesty

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

amnstey05 08

amnty05 08



This a purely sarcastic ad by Amnesty International depicting some world fame [in fact infamous] leaders and this how they will go down in pages of history. A fantastic representation of human cause, human rights, human suffering at the hands of a ruler and the state sponsored atrocities.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The above campaign has included heads of the state of U.S., Myanmar, Iran and Zimbabwe. Amnesty International is urging people to write to these leaders so that the effect carnage should be felt by them.

At one place, this campaign has a humorous tinge as well when it says on the stamp of George Bush, ‘Remember use simple words’.

An amazing ad campaign by Amnesty International.

Via Creative Criminal

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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