Real blood is thicker than TV blood

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Blood. That is what this campaign is for. Not that blood that flows profusely through the sadistic miniscreen veins, but real blood. And, it is harder to find, the campaign says.

This campaign for santa cas de curitiba, shows some bloody tv shots, and says- It’s getting easier to see blood on tv.
But it’s getting harder to see it in the blood banks.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The campaign, created by Bronx, Brazil, conveys the message dramatically, effectively. It catches our attention and the copy is excellent.


Advertising Agency: Bronx, Curitiba, Brazil

Creative Directors: Alexandre Silveira

Art Director: Keith Lauer

Copywriter: Fábio Duarte

Via: pixelpasta


Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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