Prostitution: Don’t be an accomplice

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


If you pay a prostitute, you are financing human trading. Though the sentence created confusion, the image of the nude woman was powerful enough to convey the message. Here is another such advertising effort against prostitution, which effectively communicates through its strikingly clever concept and art-direction.

The ad symbolically shows how women who are dragged to prostitution and how helpless they are. Actually, they are in chains. The concept and intelligent art-direction have in fact performed a magic which can influence us with the conveyance of the intended message.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The copy reads- Thousands of women in Israel are held against their will in the prostitution industry. Don’t be an accomplice.


Advertising Agency: Mccann Erickson, Tel Aviv, Israel

VP Creatives: Tal Raviv, Eldad Weinberger

Creative Director: Sigal Abudi

Art Director: Dana Moshkowitz

Copywriter: Ami Alush

Photographer / Graphic Designer: Yan Fedoroff

Via: I believe in advertising

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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