Prostitutes are not parasites

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Also drug dealers and prisoners. They are the byproducts of this imperfect society, and featuring them is not a surefire way to create some humor in advertising. Well, this print campaign for Bayer Rintal has just done that. They feature a prostitute,a drug dealer and a prisoner on the horseback. The copy reads- Eliminates all kind of Parasites

However, there is no real humor in this campaign. Though the intention of the advertisers was to convey the message in a light, humorous way, the concept fails to make an effective humor that is powerful enough to convey the message.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development


Advertising Agency: BBDO, Quito-Guayaquil, Ecuador

Creative Directors: Guillermo Valverde, Andrés Redován

Art Directors: Jonny Mora, Guillermo Valverde

Copywriters: Miguel Jaramillo, Andrés Rodriguez

Photographer: Studio Cuesta

Additional credits: Pulpo Producciones

Via: Ads of the world



Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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