Pornography, women and advertising goldmine

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

monkey1Sex sells, would sound clich’, but the formula goes on n on for years and it seems would continue to do so for infinite. This survey (*#?/@??) says, Women are aroused by all kinds of sexual activity be it lesbian, heterosexual and homosexual male sex it does not matter to them.

The study, conducted by Meredith Chivers of the Center for Addiction and Mental Health and J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University, was published in the October issue of Biological Psychology.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Wait we’re not over. The survey says women are also aroused by monkey sex. MONKEY? Did you say? Oh, yes, ‘the loving habits of the bonobo are enough to bring out the primate in any civilized lady.’
Well, that’s a queer study I would say. And if advertisers take a clue or two from the study (?!) you may watch some more queer and astonishing spots on mainstream media very soon.


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