Pick, choose and play your favorite TV commercial with TiVo

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

tivo dvrTiVo and DVR may be getting all irate attractions from some part of the advertising community but we have to give TiVo its due credit, it certainly brings not-less-than-a-revolution in the traditional advertising industry.

We still remember 2001 Lexus sweepstake episode, when TiVo first broke into the industry with a bang. Contestants were asked to give answers to questions hidden in the Lexus commercials. TiVo has given people liberty to automatically record the commercials and store them in a separate place.

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The latest move from TiVo made even some Victorian ad executives believe that ads are content too. In stead of throwing those commercial on consumer’s face why not ask consumers to ask for it.

Now, Sony in conjunction with TiVo will allow its users to choose their own ending to a commercial. That’s simply amazing. Sony is using the platform as a pre-testing ground.

In the next you may also get to see offerings like ‘commercials on demand’ where consumers will select the kind of commercials they would like to see. In a true a-la-carte mode.

Via [Techdirt]

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