Partying image costs Paris Hilton ‘GoYellow’ ad contract

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

paris hilton go yellow

The German company can’t take it any more. Paris Hilton’s extreme high partying and Page3 image was not adding any value to the website. As a brand, she was not evolving and not going anywhere! Frustrated with her comical partying and carousing image, GoYellow — German online website directory — has terminated the contract with the hotel heiress. It lasted for only one year.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

GoYellow chief, Dr Klaus Harisch agrees that the website did get good response initially. But for the last one year, the hotel heiress as a brand did not move on from being a party girl to a serious minded businesswoman.

Businesswoman like approach from Paris Hilton! You must be joking Mr. Harisch.


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