Oxfam Australia: Demand indigenous health equality

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Oxfam Australia’s activist group, Close The Gap, has recently unveiled an advertisement campaign to draw government’s attention towards Aboriginal health problems. The billboard and poster advertisement campaign is aimed at telling the nation’s leaders that there is no quick fix solution to Aboriginal health problems. The Australian federal government is at present taking steps to detect and deal with child abuse in Northern Territory Aboriginal communities. The ‘Close The Gap’ campaign is focusing on the huge life expectancy gap between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. The advertisements are showing photographs of indigenous Australians who are in persistent need of appropriate medical facilities.

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The advertisements, other than photographs, have given many startling facts related to the problem. The poster campaign was launched at the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, asking Australian governments to take measures to achieve health equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders within 25 years. The presentation of the campaign is simple and straight. Its punch line reads, ‘Demand indigenous health equality’.

Via Duncan’s Print

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