Mystery revolves around M. Night Shyamalan My Life, My Card American Express Ad

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

american express my life my card american ad 1

The mysterious Shyamalan himself. American Express last night has kicked off one more “My Life. My Card” campaign and wants to impress you with some beyond life, super natural thoughts, the way The Village director perceives the world while sitting in a restaurant and imagining his patron’s secret life. The ad goes through a series of conversations trying to capture the boundaries of the brand Amex.

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It seems it has made a right chord with the masses as well critics. In the true Shyamalan style the suspense started building up right from the word go. Some critics think the reason this Amex ad works because probably the idea successfully relates to people.

The spot has been created by Ogilvy & Mather, New York.


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