My coke rewards, biggest giveaway promotion from Coke

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

my coke reward

Coca-Cola North America has started a whopping $50 million consumer rewards program — the largest of giveaway promotion ever in the history of Coca-Cola. “My Coke Rewards” program is for consumers who will earn prizes after accumulating points.

For the promotion Coke has created special 20 ounce bottles of Coca-Cola classic, Coca-Cola Zero, Diet Coke and other Coca-Cola products.

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Coke lovers can create their account by log on to and enter their code. Codes can also be entered into mobile phones. The more the consumers collect the bigger his account grows.

Awards include items from Adidas, Blockbuster Inc., Delta Air Lines Inc., Kodak, Sony, Hilton Hotels, Blue Fly, Spafinder, Delta etc.

Via [PRNewswire]

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