Motocab: No more traffic jams

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is a brilliant piece of print advertisement launched by Motocab is Paris to focus on an alternative transport to cars and other public transport. Motocab has recently started to transport passengers by motor bike to save time in transportation. The campaign clearly point towards the fact that due to heavy traffic on the roads vehicle move virtually like snails on roads, and motor bike is an answer to this problem as it can clear its way with its greater ability to maneuver.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The advertisement is showing a street full of snails depicting heavy traffic and jam and in the middle of it an impression of motor bike’s tyre, crushing snails to depict not only it beats other for of transport but it makes its way with great ease. The presentation of the advertisement is extremely expressive and it was certainly based on an intelligent idea. The copy reads, ‘no more traffic jams’. The advertisement is credited to Leo Burnett, Paris.

Via Duncan’s Print

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