Lurpak Butter: Good food deserves Lurppak

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Lurpak Butter has launched this print advertisement campaign to strengthen its brand name. The campaign seems to aiming at establish that how it helps making food tasty even if using almost raw form of food. The campaign has displayed an appropriate amplification of the main idea. The advertisements are showing Lurpak Butter with some other edible items in somewhat raw form probably to depict that the butter can still make that item delicious.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The presentation of the campaign is actually attractive and compelling due to great photography. Moreover, the basic idea here seems to take a lighter and humorous approach in the treatment of the idea, which has been executed extreme well. The punch line of the campaign is, ‘good food deserves Lurppak’. The campaign was developed by Wieden + Kennedy.

Via: Twenty Four

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