Landmine! UNICEF makes you stop and scare

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


We often take freedom and peace for granted. We often forget the value of these highest human rights and aspirations. In many countries, landmines are still an insidious danger to civilians. Unicef decided to make the people who walked pass the UNICEF information booths remember this painful fact.

They placed „invisible“ Landmine-stickers on the floor: Their self-adhesive topsides looked exactly like the floor. When people walked over them, they stuck to their feet. While removing the stickers, people discovered the picture of a landmine on the bottom side.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development


Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett, Frankfurt, Germany

Creative Directors: Andreas Heinzel, Peter Steger, Andreas Pauli, Kerrin Nausch

Copywriters: Florian Kroeber

Art Directors: Claudia Boeckler

Photographers: Heine, Lenz, Zizka

Others: Jeanette Bohné, Eva Muenstermann, Tobias Nientiedt

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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