Jakob Nielsen’s Eye tracking study will surely bust lot of myths

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

eye tracking study jakob nielsen

Jakob Nielson, the user interface and software genius has published a study report on “Eyetracking web usability.”

The former Bellcore, IBM and Sun Microsystem researcher has completed a study on eye tracking usability which tells what exactly viewers…ooops…no…how exactly viewers eye balls move when they browse a web page.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The study supposedly found out user eye ball behavior and will tell you whether they have a banner or text link blindness, where they look for navigation, how they look across the lines of the pages, where they fix on something and so on.

This is quite extraordinary study and I am sure advertisers will simply love it. Why advertisers, even editors and designers all can get a renewed light of knowledge from it. I am sure lot of myths now will be busted. For example, they study says, quite contrary to popular belief that, pictures, images and moving objects actually act as detractors to the viewers.

Via [Blogs.Zdnet]

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