Innovative billboard

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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There are so many ways to make the message powerful through the creative use of the advertising medium. A billboard is the apt example for a right medium. A billboard, when it is intelligently placed and arranged in a way to communicate the message correctly, can be described as an intelligent one.

This billboard for Colorado State Patrol is an example for the above observation. The billboard aims to make awareness among the people about the danger of Tailgating. The image shows a truck being hit by a car, and the damage ‘can be seen’ on the billboard.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The copy reads- Tailgating Isn’t Worth It. Give Trucks Room. It’s The Law.


Advertising Agency: Amélie Company, Denver, Colorado, USA
Creative Director: Paul Suggett

Art Directors: Gordy Hirsch, Paul Suggett

Copywriters: Gordy Hirsch, Paul Suggett

Retoucher: Armando Martine

Board Construction: Bill Kinsey

Via: Ads of the world

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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