Guerilla Advertising gone wrong

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

A UPI report says U.S civic groups strongly opposed guerilla marketing, a new from of advertising. Is Guerilla marketing and Advertising that new concept? Don’t think so. The concept was first started by marketing genius Jay Conrad Levinson.

Call it most inexpensive mode. Use of unconventional marketing and advertising approaches to extract maximum return from minimal resources. Always been the preferred tool for local and small companies but as getting the attention of customers is more and more difficult in extremely choc a bloc media land big companies are also going along.

Kirshenbaum and Bond had done that first (?) most successively by painting sidewalks with a tagline ‘From here it looks like you could use new underwear.’
And the trend followed on sidewalks, subway entrances, highway corners, you name it on evry possible places on the town.

guerilla marketing

A wonderful photo from Davis, a contributor in Frederik’s blog. Freddy, in a true journalistic style reported the incident in his blog

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your coffee it’s on your roof and again he looked me square in they eye and said, “yes, yes, I know, Happy Holidays from Starbucks.” It was at this point that I realized that the coffee cup was permanently affixed to his roof and that he was an advertisment in disguise. Even though I’m not sure how I feel about cars clogging traffic and poluting the City with exhaust to make a marketing point, I still had a chuckle when I realized that I’d been had.

More photo on ‘guerilla advertising gone wrong’ from frederiksamuel’s blog

Sony is culprit here.

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