Golds gym: nothing special

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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We have already seen so many examples of ads that have no connection with the identity of the brand, like the beavers coffee commercial. The concepts of those ads can be used for any other product. Here, these ads for Golds gym belong to that category.

The ads, developed at TAXi, Canada, shows images of people who easily lift sofa and car. Well, they are powerful, apparently by the grace of Golds gym. But these concepts can be applied to any Tom’s, Harry’s or Dick’s gym.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

There is no element of uniqueness in these ads. When you present a brand, you should present its uniqueness. That is what makes it different from other brands. Sorry, I couldn’t find out that here. So, I can go to any other gym and try to lift those things.


Advertising Agency: TAXI, Calgary, Canada

Creative Director: Trent Burton

Art Director: Kelsey Horne

Copywriter: Nick Asik

Photographer: Justen Lacoursiere

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Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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