Forehead guy, up next level

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

forehead ad

Today, Andrew Fischer, the forehead guy who already raked in close to $50,000 by selling his forehead space last year is going gung ho again in ebay. That this web developer has been labeled as the worst billboard space by the Parade Magazine may actually add value to his ad space…oops…forehead…after all stars pay firms to get some and he got all for free. That’s not all, the guy got lot of publicity in Radio and TV shows like ABC’s Good Morning America. He’s also on the front page of Taiwan newspapers. So a big deal is only in the offing it seems.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

We don’t know though what price he has fixed for the deal that he is unveiling today. May be the offer is open.

Via [Adfreak]. Thanks Tim Nudd

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