Droga Raia: Flu is in the air

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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This is an attention-grabbing ambient advertisement campaign launched by Droga raia to create awareness that the flu has spread so they should take preventive steps or it would be cured at Droga raia. In the Ibirapuera Park, there were vaporizers placed to refresh visitors. And at the sides of these vaporizers posters were placed to spread the message across. To make the campaign effective it used visuals of people coughing and sneezing with the message that ‘the flu is in the air’.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The campaign might have attracted considerable attention of people due to its unique idea to propagate the warning. However, the campaign might have even frightened a few onlookers as they might have feared to get affected by the flu. The text of the ad reads, ‘Flu is in the air. Protect yourself at Droga Raia’. The campaign was developed by QG, Brazil.

Via: Frederik Samuel

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