Another penetrating anti-smoking ad: revealing the cruel reality

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


Strap Line: In 1995 a major tobacco company planned to boost cigarette sales by targeting homeless people. They called their plan “Project SCUM: Sub Culture Urban Marketing.


Strap Line: Tobacco kills more Americans than auto accidents, homicide, AIDS, drugs and fires combined.


Dr Prem Web Design and Development

Strap Line: In 1993, the Supreme Court decided that an inmate could sue a prison claiming that exposure to his cellmate’s second hand smoke could constitute cruel and unusual punishment.

This is yet another truth revealing ad campaign, which strikes and penetrates well inside. The anti tobacco ad campaign by has been designed in order to not only inform the horrific reality of smoking but to make it equally effective that it should compel the reader to think at least.

If this is not outstanding one in the genre of anti-smoking ad, it surely of the kind that people will not only see it but the ad’s imprint will stay in their mind set in future as well.

The ad has been conceived and implemented by Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Miami.

Via Ads of the World

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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