Animal cruelty: Pig or a 3yr old kid

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Most Australians are disgusted by animal cruelty. That is why Animals Australia has launched an extraordinary radio campaign, ‘Lucy Speaks’, to aware caring consumers to the truth about how over 90% of pork, bacon and ham is produced in this country. In this campaign a three year old pig describes his life being in the cage, getting pregnant and finally slaughtered to get into the plates of humans. Pigs are social and affectionate animals. Recent studies have shown that a pig has same brainpower as three year old human kid. They experience fear, pain and many emotions, not unlike the family pet. Yet most pigs raised in Australia are confined in factory farms, where they are denied any quality of life. What they are forced to endure in the name of profit would be illegal if they were instead a dog or cat.

Source: Duncans , AnimalsAustralia

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