Amnesty International: Human Rights Campaign

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amnesty fallujah 25

amnesty bolivia 25

amnesty sudan 25

This award winning powerful print advertisement campaign was launched by the Amnesty International in New Zealand to create awareness about atrocities being inflicted on innocent people across the globe. The advertisement campaign aims at drawing people’s attention towards this menacing problem and at the same time urges people to strengthen the organization to fight for the cause. The advertisements are showing handcuffed persons from famous places, which have been under scanner for inflicting violence on innocents such as Fallujah, Bolivia and Sudan.

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The Amnesty symbol was strategically placed to give impression that the flame can burn the ropes that bind prisoners in Fallujah, Iraq, Sudan and Bolivia. The campaign received a Bronze Press Lion at Cannes International Advertising Festival 2007. The Sudan photograph was taken by photographer Philip Jones Griffiths in a refugee camp in 1988. The campaign was created by Publicis Mojo, Auckland, New Zealand.

Via Duncan’s Print

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