Aloma will treat you ‘just in case’

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Very often (almost too) humor is a popular theme for advert campaigns of medical establishments and services; one would rarely want to use a product that sends out a grim image. Aloma Urgent Care provides medical services in host of situations and its latest campaign has been designed by isix creative. The print campaign that the Orlando-based company has come up with makes you laugh and gets its client’s message across pretty effectively. In two humorous images the adverts show the correct and incorrect ways to use toilets and urinals and goes on to say that in case one does not do so then Aloma provides ready medical treatment. Imagination of Creative Director / Copywriter: Keith Jensen, the ads have a punch line: “Please use urinals responsibly… but just in case we treat strains / fractures.” Many of us would prefer an urgent care center to have a sense of humor and isix would have us believe that Aloma certainly does that.

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