Alcoholic Anonymous: Symbolic campaign

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

aa career

Here is a symbolically presented campaign which tries to make awareness about the ill-effects of alcohol-addiction. This print campaign for Alcoholic Anonymous, developed by Filadélfia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, makes use of different symbolic images to depict how alcohol addiction shatters career, family and the enjoyments(sans alcohol)

No enjoyment resists alcoholism, No family resists alcoholism and No career resists alcoholism (some admen, writers and such creative lots may beg to differ, am I right?)

The campaign is based on a concept created by Brock Davis. Well, much of the credit goes to him.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development


Advertising Agency: Filadélfia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Creative Director: Dan Zecchinelli

Art Director: Ricardo Matos

Copywriters: Manuel Rolim, Leandro Neves

Photographer: Marco Mendes (Lumini) – based

Via: Ads of the world

aa enjoyment

aa family

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