Parachute treatment leads ‘Coffees of Hawaii’ to go more direct

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

expresson cofee bar at sea

All big brands (Microsoft, Starbucks, Nestle, Sony bla bla) have done it, can warmer (going by their product benefit..hehe) Coffees of Hawaii be far behind? DM at its new avatar, first they rained via parachute packages of coffee in and around Atlanta and Chattanooga’s picturesque tourist places, friendly neighborhood, shopping plexes etc (got the freshness angle??

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

The packages are not been delivered by a local courier guy, but they actually been ‘dropped’ from the sky via parachute). Breaking the clutter, why not, big time. Wonder if the guys actually ‘dropped’ some at Starbucks…

What the campaign is saying, the product can be delivered at customers’ place in the most convenient manner.

Last heard, the marketing guys there are going more direct and literally reaching out to people’s hands, for free now, for the time being, that is.

We will keep posting what new the guys there at Memorable Coffees of Hawaii are up to.

Source & Image: Adrants

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