Advertising in Afghanistan

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Afghanistan. A nation ravaged by war and suicide bombings. When an advertising campaign is launched in such a country, targeting the people who are more familiar with fierce unrest, what will be the strategy?

Well, such an advertising effort crosses the boundaries and enters Afghanistan without a gun. The US-backed campaign which consists of Outdoor, TV and radio ads features cute babies and folkloric warriors and encourages the people of Afghanistan to help build a peaceful nation. One ad, celebrating the birth of Massoud Sanjeer, is headlined: “Suicide Bomber. Or Doctor?”

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The campaign is mainly initiated by Lt. Col. Allen McCormick, who is chief of information operations and psychological operations (PSYOP) for the U.S.’s combined joint task force in eastern Afghanistan. He presents an interesting statement- The [U.S.] military does two of three things well — they know who they want to reach and what they want to say, but they don’t know how to say it

The campaign consists of positive images and messages instead of focusing on negative situations. The campaign has been developed by the Kabul-based agency Lapis , owned by Moby Group, which was started in 2002.

Via: Ad age

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