Ads from the ashes of 9/11

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing


9/11 is a shocking bruise on humanity. It still haunts the world, and the repercussions are not over. Comparing this tragic incident to another one, and presenting its comparative insignificance is inhuman. Whether this disgusting comparison has been made by WWF or DDB, one thing the so called creative geniuses should remember is that the target audiences are not so inhuman.

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

There are so many ads and campaigns in which the main theme as 9/11. indeed, this is a creative freedom to use a leaf from history. But you should not hurt the sentiments and humanity to sell your product. Here is another ad based on 9/11, for Moscow News. It has been developed by BBDO, and there is no harm intended.

Things hard to explain, in a language you understand says the tagline.

Via: Adfreak

Dr Prem Healthcare Social Media Marketing
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