Adpunch looks back: controversial ads in 2009

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Some controversial advertising efforts in 2009.

– This ‘obscene’ post card got rejected by the Post office

– It is not good to drag a person into unwanted public attention. Even if it is a leader, we should respect his/her privacy. We can’t just poke our inquisitive nose into other’s life and laugh at them (unless it is Britney Spears or Paris Hilton).

– ‘’get ready for some hot action’. But, before the customers can do anything, the advertising watchdog took a hot action

– Burger King, don’t drag gods into your ads

Mmm… Pizza, pasta, stir fry. You have any ideas? Give me a call and tell me where you like to stick it

Dr Prem Web Design and Development

– The campaign asked consumers to suggest names for the biscuit holes. The long list of responses included “goody balls,” “creamy sweet holes,” “puffy nuts,” “glory holes,” and “bisticles.”

– PETA’s animosity towards women and fat people

– World Wildlife Fund (WWF) made a comparison between 9/11 and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami through this ad created by DDB Brasil. Regretted soon.

AIDS campaign makes Saddam, Stalin and Hitler turn in their graves

– An angel, with a digital halo wings and a rosary in her right hand. The problem is that we won’t want any topless angels to come during our prayers.

– Husbands beware! PETA targets housewives

– Church billboard drags Joseph and Mary to bedroom of controversies

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