Ad mocks iPod owners as iPuppets and iSheeps

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

ipod hate sensa e200

Sensa e200 is a portable digital media player. In its new ad campaign, it makes good fun of iPod owners by calling them iSheep, iPuppets, iChimp, iFollow, iHerd etc. Good marketing innovation, knowing it fully that there always a demography exists which loves to go different. There always some exist in a society who takes pride in going against the mainstream. Yes, mainstream, after all, even if I personally hate the iPod phenomenon I cannot undermine the sheer power of statistics in the market, the numbers that are actually sold worldwide.

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If Sensa e200 can cater to those free minds, well and good, however, calling all to resist the white earbuds as it is a kind of iTatorship is a bit too much.


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