Actors royalties rising, ad firms hopes for an overhaul

Dr Prem Digital Healthcare Marketing

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Media landscape is increasingly getting complicated. But when paying actors in commercials are concerned, ad industry still follows the aged 1950 made rules and guidelines. An actor who appears on a television commercial is paid every time the ad is on air. For ads on cable, syndication, Internet etc., they are paid lump sump residual payment.

Ad industry does not want to continue under the current model. They know it better that, when there are plethora of new ad carriers these days, from cell phones to iPods, will only end up make total spend on commercial prohibitively expensive. The industry is in now on search for an independent consultant to chalk out a new method to compensate actors.

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The actor’s union on the other hand feels that only very few make small amount of money.

Neil Magnuson, a 29 year old actor in New York says,

If I had been bartending for the last 12 months I would have made more money than I did acting.

Over the last few years marketers have put pressure on ad firms to curtail costs. Ad firms, cross fingered, waits for a major overhaul now. At least on one count.

At the expense of some-famed-some-struggling actors.


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